


大家好!这是仨扇有话说,我是石若舒报道!大家应该都听说过 “奥运会” 吧,奥运会是国际上最重要的比赛之一。每四年举办一届,每两年轮流举办夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会。如果说哪个东道国举办过的奥运会最让人难忘,不得不说那就是 “中国” 了。过去,也就是2008年,中国曾经举办过一次奥运会。我们相信,2022年中国会举办得简约而隆重,让全世界都留下深刻的印象。2022年的中国第二次奥运会,意义必将不言而喻,一定会像过去一样优雅壮观。所以,在我们庆祝明年的北京冬奥会之前,我们先来听听外国人对过去的北京奥运会,有什么样的印象吧。

Hello everyone! This is “The 3 fans’ exhibitions”, I am reporter Shu Ruo Shu! Everyone knows what the \"Olympics\" are. The Olympics are one of the most important international sports competitions. Every four years, and the Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics are held alternately every two years. If you talk about which country hosted the most memorable Olympic Games, I would say China. In the past, China has hosted one Olympic Games, and next year China’s Olympics are going to be amazing, leaving a deep impression on the whole world. The significance of China’s second Olympics in 2022 will be self-evident. It goes without saying that the Olympic Games will be as graceful and spectacular as the last one. So, before we celebrate next year’s Beijing Olympics, let’s hear what foreigners have to say about the past Beijing Olympics.




On February 4, 2022, Beijing will host the Winter Olympics. I have seen the National Stadium. The building is very unique and I was very excited. Although I did not go in, it was unforgettable. The stadium is the only building with this unique style in the world.

I like winter games. I am looking forward to seeing figure skating, short track speed skating, snowboarding and skiing. In the eyes of the audience, the Olympics are an opportunity to learn about the culture of the host country. It is a celebration that combines culture and sports in such an artistic way.


中国是全世界的榜样,我们都应该向中国学习。2021 年 11 月 19 日, 人民网发表文章称,北京2022年冬奥会将成为首届完全由绿色能源驱动的奥运会。国际奥委会主席对此给予高度评价。中国在世界上率先拥有绿色电源、绿色场馆建设、低碳交通。而且在某种意义上,中国拥有世界上非常先进的环保技术。因此,我们不仅期待本次奥运会,也期待世界上第一个 百分之百环保的赛事。

China is a role model for the whole world, and we should all learn from China. On November 19, 2021, People' s Daily Online published an article stating that the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics will be the first Olympic Games driven entirely by green energy. The President of the International Olympic Committee spoke highly of this. China is the first in the world to have green power, green venue construction, and low-carbon transportation. And in a sense, China has the most advanced environmental technology in the world. Therefore, we are not only looking forward to the Olympic Games, but also the world's first 100% eco-friendly event.



What do you think? From the perspective of international students or foreigners, we know that the Beijing Olympics must leave us a very deep impression. With that said, I can’t wait to see next year’s Olympics. You should feel the same too, right? That being the case, let's look forward to it together. Thanks for watching, I am Shu Ruo Shu reporter!



